It feels like graphics in the 2D client of Ultima Online or something. graphics of the battlefield, of the GUI, the soldiers. It's maybe easier this way, but the 3D globe of the original with more realistic radar coverage felt better. Apparently, micromanaging was part of the fun.
#Xenonauts base building free#
They wanted to free the player from the "tedious micromanagement". Storage room has unlimited capacity, basic ballistic weapons cost nothing etc. inventory management, selling of loot, equipping interceptors, upgrades of weapons. can open/close doors without walking thru them The so-so things: - many small details where streamlined, e.g. if you are right behind a tree, you will shoot thru it easily while it will block shots of the enemy). graphics of the xenopedia - more types of terrain objects which provide partial cover (which works like it should, e.g. controls are much easier (especially compared to "instant scrolling" you get when playing XCom: UFO Defense, which was a DOS game, on fast modern computers - where you'd have to exit to battlefield map overview to move camera) - 2D air combat where you can sometimes win by manually controlling the planes even if the enemy ships were stronger and would win on autoresolve) - you can airstrike crash sites for smaller cash reward if your chopper is too far away - can see the line your shot will fly along and percentages about what things may block it! - shield which is a must for earlier missions. why invasion starts with small UFOs, why laser weapons have similar types like the ballistic ones and many other). The good: - music is excellent - excellent writing! Also, the descriptions are very logical (e.g. controls are much easier (especially This remake of XCom is the closest one to the original, yet it still changes some things, and the changes are a mix of good and bad. excellent writing! Also, the descriptions are very logical (e.g. This remake of XCom is the closest one to the original, yet it still changes some things, and the changes are a mix of good and bad.